I am glad that you replied. I am currently looking for a house in Chester County. The thing that is really driving me insane with trying to get a house here at the moment is the crazy bidding wars. The property is hot and everyone wants it. People it seems are actually buying the properties for list price and higher. I am saying screw it. I cannot afford to invest by paying these high prices. So I am looking into Coatesville area. Yeah, the school district really sucks, but they are undertaking massive building projects on the other side of Coatesville which would be like Sadsbury or more well known Parkesburg. The land in Eastern Chester County is way to expensive anymore. Builders will not and cannot afford to build here anymore. I can imagine that land is much cheaper out past Coatesville. Their are land lease and for sale signs all over the place. It has tremendous potential (I think). It is centrally located between West Chester, Philadelphia, Wimington, Exton, Lancaster. All of these areas I have mentioned have experienced tremendous growth and I cannot see why it would stop expansion down the mainline with Downingtown. I have a website I want you to check out if you have time. It talks about revitalization efforts in Coatesville. If they follow through with these plans I think we could see a major turnaround with the City of Coatesville. It has potential to be the hub of Chester County. Here is the site