Thank you Brian for your reply.
Just an update, I have requested mediation via email today to the landlord and the agent...and on Monday will be contacting a mediation company to get the ball rolling, as it states in my contract (except small claims) I have to do this to have attorney fees paid.
If they accept this I feel my case is a lot stronger than theirs (acting in bad faith too many times) , I plan to stick by my guns and will be requesting and explaining why I want my full deposit back... and in return I will not take them to court for double deposit...which is too high to do in small claims in San Diego.
So I need to cover my bases, and offer mediation. If they refuse then I will get a mediation company to request it on my behalf. So at least I have my attorney fees covered if it goes as far as court after refusing.
At this point I could take them to small claims just for the deposit, but any judge can be unpredictable and just want have all my back covered so I think it's wise to sue for double to cover myself incase they counter sue and the judge thinks I should pay the amount I actually owe for the lawn anyway. I've not been unreasonable and offered the price of the lawn that my dog damaged, but they are still asking for damages that are about 5 x more than I should be charged.
Anyway question:
on my lease it's ticked on the lease that the tenant is responsible for landscaping, lawn, shrubs etc...
but the added addendum states...that we pay the owner $80 a month for landscaping direct to the landlords.
I have emails to prove that all garden maintenance was covered throughout our time leasing (cos I complained and number of times about the grass not being cut/trees looking a mess etc).. Anyway prior to moving in I asked via email to the agent, why the lease says we are responsible when we pay for yard maintenance and don't mind what watering the grass but nothing else.. He sent us an email back , saying sorry for the misunderstanding and a new addendum to sign adding the words"paying $80 a month for landscaping in compliance to 11c (which refers back to the maintenance contract)
Now the agent only quotes the first addendum ...god knows what happened to the second.
We never did receive a copy of the lease just after moving in.
But if the landlords use that in court...and the court dismisses the emails and/or the changes that was made with the addendum (no proff of signing) I actually responsible for landscaping, shrubs lawn etc? I was paying the owner $80 a month to provide the maintenance.
Anyway, like the owner said via phone to my husband...they have some sort or irrigation problem and had to remove a tree and sort out the irrigation (they aren't charging for that just the sod) surely this wouldn't hold us responsible anyway.
The lawn has looked bad for over a year, the landlords came back last November from China and drove past the house and complained to the agent that the trees didn't look healthy. The agent told us this when he came by again and wanted to increase the water sprinkler times....even though they were already set by law to what was the maximum allowed that time, and like times before and after vocally we told him that the front yard had more trees than any house in the neighborhood....and did say it could be a drainage problem also....on top of that we can't help there being a water shortage in San diego.
From all this info, where do we stand from here?