PP: $300,000
FMV: $350,000
Property details: Year round 3-unit with 3 seasonal cabins in Old Orchard Beach, Maine. Old Orchard Beach is a heavy tourism town with several colleges near by. The property is one block from a 7-mile beach (2-minute walk). Additionally, the property abuts a nature preserve and has no immediate neighbors.
Renting scenario #1: $1,000/month per year round unit. $800-$1200/week per cabin for 10 weeks during the summer (4th week of June through Labor Day weekend). Gross rent: $66,000 (without vacancy factored in.)
Renting scenario #2: 3 apartments could be rented seasonally ($1,000/week) during the summer and 9-month leases during the rest of the year to college students ($900/month) in addition to the 3 seasonal cabins. Gross rent: $84,300 (without vacancy factored in.)
With commercial lending at 25% down payment, $75,000 would be required; unfortunately I don't have $75k in cash. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to make this deal happen? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.