@Zach Howard
you can usually post enough information in a thread without the address and people will usually happily help you analyze deals. i hereby volunteer.
just to pile on to what @Jonathan Greene said though. while i do think it's valuable to analyze properties, it's really difficult to underwrite based on photos. and in response to your question about someone else - also difficult. PMs are busy - if you email a PM and say "Hey PM, I'm looking at 123 Main St. and I think it will rent for $1500 a month, does that sounds right?" you'll probably get a good response, because it's a narrow, specific question. but if you say "can you walk 10 properties for me"... the answer is going to be no. and maybe you could find a realtor to do it, but that's going to be really hard too. most realtors deal with primary / retail buyers and sellers and they too aren't going to just walk properties for you. so if you don't have family or your own contacts in a market... it's just really tough.
and (i may have said this in response to one of your other posts) but i'll just restate it here. the market is really unforgiving right now. prices are high, interest rates are high, there is tremendous demand for inventory, and - one thing that doesn't get mentioned enough - a record number of properties are debt free. this means that these owners are under much less pressure to sell, and so they don't really care that their price won't let the property be a good rental. they'd rather keep it / do nothing with it than sell for less than what they feel entitled to.
OK, i'll stop there. i say all this not to be discouraging but just not to sugarcoat things. I hope this helps.