I'm looking to properly estimate expenses in my model when searching for deals. I'd like to be able to get a general idea of the expenses before doing further research into the property to determine specifics (like determining the age of appliances). I'm primarily looking for single family homes/condos/townhouses/apartments in the Seattle area - at least to start with.
In the model, I already have 2% of the purchase price set aside for maintenance, but I'm curious how much more I need to budget into this category based on the age of the unit. Does it make sense to increase the maintenance or reserve budget for a property that is 30 years old compared to one that is 5? Is there a rule of thumb that can be used to accomplish this? Or does it really depend on the specific age of the unit's components (water heater, appliances..), which would require me to do further research anyway?
Additionally, should I change what I budget for maintenance and/or replacement reserves for an apartment vs a house, considering that with an apartment there would be no concerns about the roof, yards, or any outside features?
Thanks guys!