Thank you all for the input.To be honest, I was a little unsure of how to respond to said listing agent’s reaction and that is why I pointed out that, yes, I do appreciate the concern if in fact that was the case, however, that being said, none of us would appreciate being ruled out of an offer simply based on our gender.It is really wrong to make an assumption that someone is not qualified to buy from you, just based on gender alone.It is for this reason that the Fair Housing Act came into place and what saddens me is that the only way he agreed to a showing was after my buyer’s agent pointed out my military background.I served in the United States Army and it is sad that, my agent needed to bring this up to try to win me a showing.My agent tried to convince this listing agent that if I can handle being in the military and seeing what I saw, living in the “supposed” bad neighborhood was the least of my worries, and it is.I know what I can handle and it just saddens me when people presume just based on my gender that I need something “softer, more secure” or else, I will fail.In the military, my MOS was 62 Bravo, heavy equipment mechanic.I am by no means fragile and incapable of taking care of myself and it is truly sad when a listing agent feels the need to bring up my gender as a pre-qualification for showing a property! Wayne Brooks, I do appreciate your comment, but in all honesty, I am not over reacting and I doubt you would feel you were overreacting if you were in my shoes for a minute.Too many times we see stereotypes that rule highly qualified people out of things, and it is comments such as, “you are probably overreacting” that saddens me as it forces those being discriminated against to withdraw and feel that they have no voice.Thank you Jon Holdman, Linda Weygant and Mike Reynolds too for your input. I am encouraged by your positive words and while I know that I may do little to change the minds of those that seemingly have the power in this market, it is important to know too, that there are those out there that like me, view this act as being outright wrong, regardless of the intentions.I would think a real estate professional which is what the listing agent is, of all people would be more aware of the Fair Housing Act, but I guess I am wrong.