I have a modest, newer modular home that i was unable to sell within about 6 or so months, so, i decided to rent so that i could have some money to pay the mortage.
Recently, the renters, after about 2-3 yrs have had their first problem, they burned the shed down. They are claiming it was an acceident, that the "device" that was plugged in overheated and caused the fire. I have a fire report from the fire department and arson investigator. When I left the home, the shed had no power running to it but it was wired for power at a later time if i choose to (switches, lights, outlets).
The renters insurance company denies the claim, my insurace company is going to go after the renters....O it's a nightmare!
So, what if my renters decide to leave? I have a month to months lease (yea well may be not a good idea now).
My real question is, If i don't have renters in the house, how do i come up with the money for the mortgage? I don't have extra funds. I don't make enough money to make two mortgage payments. I don't live in the area to move back. I cant sell it quick enough.
What do I do?