@Jonathan Bui I went with an LLC from the begining. The reason is I assumed I would grow to a size where it would benefit me. I am in Baltimore and lead paint lawsuits are a big issue. One probem with transfering a property to an LLC is the liabilty of anythig that happens before the transfer, you are still personally responsible for.
I now have close to 20 LLCs It is a nightmare, expensive, complex, and an accounting disaster. there is a lot to be said for keeping it simple.
Another factor is will you be a sole member of the LLC? I believe in some states a singe meber LLC amy not protect you at all. (FL is where I think I read about it here on BP).
An LLC is never perrfect protection. You are always responsible for your own actions. If while driving to a property an behalf of your LLC, you run over a little odl lady, both YOU and the LLC are responsible.
I chose an LLC for the extra protection but there is a cost.