I firmly believe that you never know how good or bad your property manager is until you have issues with your tenant or your property. With that said, I'm having issues with my tenant and therefore I am now having issues with my PM. My tenant has been late a few times and I've worked with her to find a solution that works for us both. That worked for a month but now she is making slow payments again and my PM is letting her do so without reprimand. Today for the 3rd time, rent was either late or short and my property manger just deposited the money into my account without saying anything to me about the shortage. It states in the lease that if the tenant is late after the 5th they are to get a letter stating that they are to vacate the premises. It also states in my contract that the PM is to copy me on the letter sent to the tenant, neither of which has happened. I sent a strongly worded email to my PM about not enforcing the terms of the lease and not upholding the terms of our contract but honestly I'm tired of having this conversation. I think it may be time to fire her and find someone else. Does anyone know a good PM in the Atlanta, GA area?