So if I go call a mobile home transportation company will they be able to tell me the answers or they just going to move a MH regardless because they know they're getting paid. I guess really then, my question comes down to where do I go to find the source of my information? LOL.
Like today, for example. I called HCD to get some information about transporting a MH and what it entails. She said "we only require you to sign 2 different documents and also send over a report going over an engineered tie down system, but you'll have to call DOT for information about moving." really?? You guys seriously can't give me any info on moving requirements??
In terms of requirements for parks and such, we've essentially grinded the last couple weeks on the phones and called every MHP in our 50 mile radius to find openings and ask questions. So we're well aware that certain parks has certain criteria for moving a mobile home into their park.
In regards to the tongue falling Is there a way to detect that before buying it? Like if I had a inspector go out there, would they be able to tell if it's sturdy enough to transport?