Originally posted by @Kevin Lefeuvre:
How will the actual crisis impact the real estate market in your opinion
Let's say the virus gets worse and death rates increase(I don't think it will, but just for fun..). This will lead to fewer people working in the office and more people working from home - companies are already telling their employees not to go to work. The live/work model of multifamily properties will become more attractive to the customer and apartment demand will be on the rise - high and low end. Property managers will market their property on having the cleanest/coronavirus-free properties and will up their cleaning game. There will be a shortage of cleaners and the cost will go through the roof, but that's ok because people in other hospitality industries that are shut down like cruise lines and airports need jobs. Apartment owners will invest in health technology for their properties and each multifamily property will be required to report the health records of their residents. There will be a John Hopkins map of every multifamily property in the US and how many "Cases" the property has. Properties with the least cases will be the most desirable and the most expensive. People start to value virtual workspaces more now than ever and virtual reality amenities and internet connectivity will become the next big amenity. Eventually, the virus will take over the apartment dwellings due to the high density of hosts or people will no longer be able to adapt to the virtual world of confinement and they will go crazy. People will first start to migrate away from big cities into micro-communities near water sources and good sun-light. They will harness solar technology and create garden communities with a maximum of 1000 people per community. Tiny homes will boom and the coronavirus will fade out of existence. 500 years later, people will start moving back into urban environments and give birth to a new pandemic, the ModeloVirus.