I just came up with this plan yesterday:
I offer $15k, contingent on signing a minimum one year lease with the land owner and getting the current tenants to sign a year lease with me.
For financing, I use my credit card that is offering me a promotional rate of 1.99% for 12 months, with a $600 fee. After 12 months, the rate goes up to just under 20%, so I would hope be able to get a business loan (or another credit card with an introductory balance transfer rate) by then because my LLC will be showing revenue.
Option 1: Using the rental income I pay $650 per month to pay down the card, which would take 24 months to pay off.
Option 2: Using the rental income, I pay $300 to $400 per month to pay down the card over 10 years, while I save as much as possible for my next down payment.
Whenever there is a need to do maintenance during those 24 months, I could pay from my savings, make a minimum payment that month, and/or charge the card again.
Eventually, I could move the home to my own land, that I'll own in the future, and then I'd be taking in an extra $250 per month since I won't be renting the land anymore.
Please give me your thoughts.