From my limited experience with hard money, terms would come from the HML. Not sure if those you listed was what was given to you by a HML. I had pretty much the same terms offered to my, but I did not follow through because all cost for the HML did not make sense for the ARV of the property I was going to flip. The flip MAX ARV was $135K. So with the terms like your mentioned above, the math did not make sense.
Also make sure to ask if they will be paying out by draws, how much does it cost you to have their inspector show up to check on progress before each draw is paid out.
Also be prepared to have the cost of rehab and holding broken down to present to the HML. This will show them that you are prepared and taking this serious and that you are a good bet to make money with.
Even though I flipped 5 homes before I even though about use HML, my terms where higher than I wanted.
Hope that I was able to answer a question or raised a few more questions for you to make sure you covered all your bases.