Good afternoon
Did a yearly walk-through with one of my tenants and I found that he is running a business in my property. This is a clothing and shoe business so nothing illegal to my knowledge. I believe he is running the business strictly online. No where in my lease does it say that no business can be conducting. I’m thinking of adding an addendum to make sure that for next years lease, he know that this can only be conducted online. Thoughts? Should I be worried?
Also, the tenant does smoke. It was made clear that smoking can not occur inside the rental. During the walk-through, they lit many candles. When asked about it, they said they like keeping the house smelling fresh. Not sure if I buy it, regardless, having that many candles is a fire hazard. I heard some Landlords have a clause saying they can’t light candles. I mean this tenant always pays on time. I’ve had no issues. What’s everyone’s thoughts on what my next move should be
Thank you