There are so many angles and perspectives to real estate investing. Leverage can create some amazing returns...especially on paper. I saw a KC property advertised recently that also produced 120% cash on cash. It looks great until a tenant doesn't pay. I don't know David's market and I do hear good things about texas but what I do know applies nationally - good credit people aren't tenant....they are owners and buying with rates this low. Now, skipping the financing for a minute, and making sure there are no restrictive covenants preventing it.....I would turn it into shared housing which boosts the returns, keeps the property rented maximizing income and minimizing risk. It's a different niche but it works and it works very well.
I have a 3bedroom/2bath in metro atlanta that was investor owned for 4 barely produced a 2% return over that time and was purchased for cash. It brought in a net $500 a month rent...when it was rented and the owner has not accounted for the 3 evictions and all of the ensuing repairs in his 2% number...nor vacancy costs. We took it over, made it a 4 bedroom by finishing space in the terrace level and it now nets $1500 a month after all expenses. More importantly, even if someone leaves, we still have income on the property.
We are not creating rooming houses - we attract professional class tenants - many who may have had past job issues and credit issues....or got divorced and down-sized. Shared housing produces huge least for us it does. You may want to consider it for this property.
Beyond that, call some local rental agents in David's market and see what kind of rents and times on market they quote you. Get a feel for the local market before you sign into anything. I appreciate David's response....I just don't like that much debt on a property. Our backend buyers are either all cash or go with 50% down and are guaranteed a 10% net return (ignoring financing which boosts the return). If the property doesn't hit the mark, we reach back in our pockets for the first 18 months. We haven't had to hand over any money so far and most properties are producing 10% to 14% returns. Happy Investing!