I paid $1200 for the Automated Deal Maker strictly for the purpose of finding out how I can have offers be sent automatically. There were a lot said in the advertising. Here are the facts along with my opinion:
1)They don't provide the REO list. (This should be disclosed upfront. The need to have access to MLS should also be disclosed.)
2)They have a way to send out any of deal you have and send it to their huge list of buyers. Well, you have to split your profits with them. (This should be disclosed upfront during the advertisement).
3)There are testimonials they use in their advertising. I found the one guy from Texas and he said this testimonial is over 7 years old and they do not use the system. Reason is when there was a lot of deals and bank owned the MLS had a lot of listings. In today's market, its limited. The tool works best in a market.
4)I did like the tool that sends you craigslist posting but I think this tool is not proprietary and has been around for anyone.
5)I did like the VA instruction manual for a VA to read that he provides and it is editable.
What was my golden nugget I got from this product:
-I operate with the mindset of having everything close to perfection. I blame this on my corporate america experience. I honestly realized I spend too much time in paralysis analysis..though I do get things done. When Zach's preached "Good is Good enough", that clicked for me. This hit me like a bullet train. Not only in my business as a soloprenuer but my personal life. His preaching was more of taking you to the next level. Most importantly, my goal is to have my business working in spite of me (a few hours week) but spending the rest of my enjoying life. It was the Mindset nugget in the manner Zach preached was my ah ha moment. Yes, I have seen the mechanics and nuts and bolts with a team layout to make your dream work.
Sometimes 'the mesage' in any experienced guru/coach has to be translated in a way that is unique to you and at the right time where you are ready to absorb it.
Hopefully this helps others.