@Chris Isaacson
How much do you enjoy life in CA? As others have said - you can invest anywhere.
I moved out of SoCal in 2004 and it was the worst financial decision I've ever made. California is expensive; taxes are high, cost of living is high. Yet if you love CA like I do then your cost of living increases dramatically upon leaving. Now I spend money on travel related expenses to enjoy what I used to enjoy for nothing more than the cost of living there. Plus my cost for groceries more than tripled upon leaving, and the quality of fruits and vegetables is just not there on the east coast.
There are so many other factors, as well. So much of the lifestyle in CA has no fees attached. You can go to the mountains and park without paying. You can park at the beach for free. You can hike for free, surf for free, and even camp for free is some areas. Maybe some of the other western states have this but on the east coast everything has a price tag. Perhaps we don't share the same interests, but think about your lifestyle before packing up and moving out.
Californians love to complain about how expensive everything is. I know because it's where I was born and raised. I learned that there is a reason California is so expensive; add up all you get for what you pay and it's the most cost effective state in the country. I can't wait to move back and start paying those high taxes again.