Can anyone help?? My pregnant niece (17 years old) and her boyfriend (18) put down a deposit on an apartment without "adult" input. I looked at the place and found mold in the bathroom, possible lead paint flaking, and windows that have more wind blowing thru them than an air conditioner would. Landlord won't refund $. Is there anything that can be done to get it refunded? He won't give a lease until they pay full rent. They are trying to be "adults" but are not doing so well on their own. Small town does not have rental inspections before a tenant moves in but does have a zoning/code enforcement officer. I was thinking of having the place inspected. This apartment is a dump but for two kids starting out the landlord saw them as suckers. Yes, they need help being adults especially with baby arriving in 3 months but we're trying to deal with that which is an entire other issue so please don't go there. They are trying to prove they can make it on their own as best as they can! Thanks for any help.