Originally posted by @Pavel Sakurets:
Originally posted by @Joel Owens:
Pavel search through the site. There are things such as skip tracing, talking with the neighbors, looking for forwarding address for the post office and on and on.
You can try calling local banks and see what kind of shadow inventory they have. There were more properties like this a few years ago but less now with demand rising.
Joel, I hope that you do not talk to the neighbors or you look up for their forwarding addresses in the post office yourself. If you do that and it works for you, great. I'm looking for a website or reliable Co who I can pay to for the list of vacant properties that has accurate information. If you know of any, please share.
I'm sorry you're having a hard time in this forum. It's hard to answer this question because you're missing some information in your questions. The questions have been answered many times in many different ways. It just depends on what you're looking for.
My attempt to answer your first question:
If you're looking for empty properties in various conditions that require varying degrees of rehab, it sounds like you want to contact a wholesaler. They generally have lists of properties that they are trying to unload for a small profit.
If you're looking for move-in ready property then you want to find someone with MLS access; usually a real estate agent.
Otherwise, use the search box at the top of the page. Search for the word "list." There's a plethora of posts on the different type of REI lists, from auction notification lists to wholesalers' mailing lists; that might be exactly what you're looking for.
To answer your second question:
In all honesty, @Joel Owen hit the nail on the head. If you are looking for someone and do not know their current whereabouts, you want to involve a skip tracing service or try your hand at it yourself. If you type "skip tracing" in the search box, you get quite a few forum posts on the topic as well. Given that you do not want to go to the Post Office, I don't recommend doing it yourself. Talking to the neighbors helps. They can sometimes tell you "They moved to Alabama..." or "They moved a few blocks away on 2nd Street..." (sometimes they are tasked with pick-up-my-mail duty).
There are no easy, straight-to-the-point answers . Can you give us a little more information on the type of properties you're looking for? Price range? SFR, Multi, Mixed use? Condition requirements? Preferred method of acquisition?