Hi again. Someone asked me via the private message feature of this site a question. I figured I would post and answer it here:
Why?? For cost of replacing the carpet might cost you the lost of a good buyer. Buyers are picky today and I wouldn't take the chance of losing a buyer because of dyed carpet. At $.99 sq ft at Lowes or Home Depot, change the carpet and make more $ on the deal.
The carpeting in the house is in very nice shape, almost new. The issue is that for a rental, a soft plush PINK is not a good idea. I had read on another forum (sure can't find it now) about some landlords who had amazing success dying carpets a more tenant friendly, darker color (I'm thinking brown).
I could absolutely replace it with some cheapo HD entry level stuff. But if this dye works out, for the same $$ or less. I have a MUCH higher quality flooring. If I were flipping the house, I would probably replace. But for rental (damn these numbers look good) the $$ are best reserved by fixing what's already in place.
By the way, I know this is good carpeting because I have the EXACT same carpeting including the color, in my personal living room. I spent way too much for it, but the Wife makes those in home decisions. :roll:
Thanks to all for the responses, links and questions thus far. By the way I am still looking for any personal experiences with dyeing a carpet.