Quote from @Jonathan Greene:
After watching this Remi is a lot less unlikeable than I thought. Actually seem like a pretty intelligent guy. Which leads me to my point and some unsolicited feedback for you Remi. No agenda, I don't like helping out the competition either, so this is probably the one and only time I will do anything other than try to cut you off at the knees.
My honest assessment on you after your interview is that you should fire all 38 of your agents. You remind me of me running HoltonWise like 7 years ago. Dunno the number, but had 70-80 Agents working for me at one point or another. I was miserable, just like you sound. Agents can't be controlled. They run around doing stupid stuff and hurt your good name. Hell, I realized I don't even think I've personally had a bad experience with you, but I don't like you. Why? Cuz of all these 20 years old's running around hurting your brand.
You sound like you are caught up in the Agent count trap that I was caught up in. As a Broker we get caught up in all the commission we can earn from them but in today's game, what are these dorks getting from us? 90%+? It ain't worth it brother. What can these 20 year old's really do for you other than give you an ulcer? I imagine most leads that come into Reafco are generated from the brand and passed out to the Agents. Or if they are not, the only reason your Agents are getting BP leads themselves is because you are limiting your own posting so you can let them have the ball so to speak. But you, me, and everyone else is aware you are better at it than they are anyway.
So in summary you should do what I did and get rid of all of them and take control of your brand. You can hire hourly staff with bonus incentives to help you do your volume. This way you can control your brand. The day I went from having a ton of Agents to not having Agents was the greatest day in my career. Income took a small dip for like a year then went higher than it ever did with all the Agents who are really nothing more than a drag on a talented young Broker.
Anyways brother, that's my $.02, take it or leave it, but that's enough helping out the competition for me. I'll be going back to busting your balls and attempting to take away any shred of market share you have worked yourself into up in my neck of the woods.