@Nicholas Brady I think that’s a good question to ask, and one that many younger people are asking.
In my opinion, most degrees are pointless. Education is big business right now, and that’s why there are so many people with degrees and the debt that goes with them. Unless you’re going to be an engineer or doctor or architect or something like that, you probably don’t need a degree. Bachelor’s degrees in business, for example, drive me insane. My younger sister called me in her final semester of business school to ask me how she could solve big problems in her mock business. Context: I have a degree in architecture. Shouldn’t I be calling her? Lol. I just know business because I’ve done it.
In direct contradiction to my previous statement, I do think it’s wise to go by your local community college and take quick courses on things like Accounting. You get an immediate return on those kinds of things.
Finally, I do have a degree, but it’s in architecture. It is related, and has helped me have valuable conversations with contractors, etc, but I would agree with several of the above posts in that the completion of the degree is where the value is. “A man is judged by two things, and two things alone: what he finishes and how he treats the people he perceives to be below him.” I dunno who said that, but it was said to me once and I think it’s very applicable, ESPECIALLY to real estate. Go finish something.