We are not in contract. We had signed the contract and mailed the check but they hadn't signed it. We know there is no legal recourse. We were offered a chance to match the other offer. But the seller's attitude during the whole process has already raised serious "character issues" and this latest manuever, after everything in the contract had been hammered out, inspection paid for, everything in action, all ducks in a row, felt like a real betrayal of trust. And we just couldn't get comfortable doing business with this guy. There were still some gray areas in the contract with respect to the condition of the house and the bank appraisal, and we knew we would be relying on the seller's voluntary cooperation to get to closing. And we didn't think we could rely on that anymore, and didn't want to sink even more resources into this deal. So we said no to his offer. And basically said the original contract (which was done and ready but never sent) still stood if he wanted to reconsider. Or if he wanted to start the process over with a financing-seeking buyer paying slightly more, that was his legal right. For us it was less an issue of the extra money (25k more) or even that he was entertaining other offers after accepting ours - it was more the timing and how he handled it (waiting until the last possible moment when we were maximally invested in the deal), which indicated that he had no principles - it felt like we were being extorted. So basically we tried to take the high road, while calling his potential bluff. Obviously we realize that in the south Bronx taking the high road may be a fool's errand. But we are who we are.