@Carter Buckingham If you're planning to purchase a mobile home in the community where the land is rented, you'd have to check first with the park manager and/or owner to see if you can move forward with your plan.
In my experience, there are some parks that allow investors to do business in their parks and others that only allow homeowners to live in the homes in their communities. It will depend on the owner and park management what you can and cannot do.
Regarding renting to section 8, it can be done. Though, you'll have to be aware of the rules and restrictions regarding the program. Before venturing into this area, it's best to talk with other investors who have been through the program before with their rentals.
If you're just starting out, you may want to try renting to the general population in the area before diving into a specific niche with more rules and regulations like section 8 which may cause more time and delay.
Personally, I've been in the mobile home investing space since 2007 without going the section 8 route. It has its pros and cons. If you have any other questions, feel free to DM.
Hope that helps!