Update to this situation,
My husband and I spoke with the husband (tenant) and they said that they had just discovered this themselves and we were supposed to go over that Sunday. They soon cancelled the next day. My husband has tried other days and they do not work for them. He went to the home while they were gone as he had given them notice. He worked on the outside not going on the inside. They now will not return our phone calls and they still have not put the electric in their name.
I know we cannot shut off the utilities but need to remedy this situation. So I need to know If I am on the right path of progression with what we will do next.
I can give them an itemized statement or bill for the utilities stating what is in the lease along with a certified letter.
Do I just follow through with a filed complaint at this point since they have never put it in their name even after talking and telling them they need to?
Thanks everyone for the help
Melissa Lenhardt