Most of the replies are completely untrue. There are some plenty of people that are legitimately trying to stay sober and benefit from the camaraderie of living with others in a similar spot. Here area few thoughts.
1. Hire a sober house manager who has significant clean time. Recovering addicts will listen to someone who has been in their shoes and is knowledgeable. You can offer free rent in exchange for specific duties.
2. You have to drug test and these are expensive. Factor it in to your costs.
3. Demand they find work within a specific time period unless they are unable due to mental or physical disability. They need to be recievinf governmental assistance in this case and make them volunteer if unable to work.
4. Make them attend 3-5 12 step meetings a week and have them provide documentation similar to the courts.
5. Charge weekly instead of monthly. Eg if you charge 1300 a month for 3 bedroom charge 150 weekly and fill 4 beds (1 room for sober house manager) = $2400 gross.