Just getting started with wholesaling and concluding my first month of consistent marketing. I've got a few leads on the table and am starting to run into a problem. When pulling up comps how do you guys readjust your ARV for discrepancies which may arise?
For example, I'll often run into a property which may only be 2000 sqft but it sits on a 2-3 acre lot. From my comps I find enough similar properties with the same number of bed/bath/sqft/etc. but none of the comps will have the 2-3 acre lot size of the subject property. How do i readjust my ARV to account for that extra acreage?
Or for example, if all my comps don't have a swimming pool but my subject property does, how do I adjust my ARV and account for that?
Or, If subject property doesn't have a garage, but all of the comps do have a garage?
Does anyone else run into similar problems?
Sorry If these questions have been answered elsewhere, I didn't have much luck finding any answers. Thanks in advance!
P.S I'm located in Dallas, Texas if that's relevant at all to my inquiries.