You can expect a net long term IRR, after all fee, commission, etc of 3-5% with a properly set up whole life insurance and 5-8% with an Index Universal Life Insurance.
They are not terrific product regarding their return, but you don't have negative years like in the stock market, and they are tax free. They are also asset protected against creditor. And during retirement you can expect getting a 8% per year draw compared to the 3-4% recommended for IRA/401k as you are not withdrawing the money but borrowing it while the full cash value continues to grow uninterrupted. Also compared to retirement accounts you don't have to wait until you are older to get money out of it, you don't have required minimum distributions, and when you die you heirs are getting the death benefit tax free and don't have a set amount of time to use it.
Last, your rant about life insurance agents are bias and crooked because they get commission is old and hypocrite. You are a mortgage broker and getting commission on the mortgages you sell. So you are obviously biased and lying to you client when you recommend a mortgage. Real estate agent are getting commission so they are biased and lying to people when they recommend a house. Financials advisers are getting commissions when they recommend financial products so they are biased and lying to people when they sell.
Every profession has crooks. But every profession has respectful individuals who are doing right for their customers. Crooks usually don't stay long in business. That is the same with life insurance agent.
Yes some real unbiased source are recommending permanent life insurance as a way to diversify your asset. It is not for everyone as it is a complex product that needs a good execution. Same as real estate is not for everyone, nor stock market, nor options trading, nor commodities, nor futures, nor bonds, nor annuities, nor notes, ... But because a certain class of asset does not fit YOUR investment profile, it does not mean that it is bad or unfit for others. So stop denigrating a product that has plethora of advantages and educate yourself to understand it.