@Tyler Galloway - I would consider selling the condo outright. I think Return on Equity is a very important metric, so you want to look at what that metric would look like after a refi vs. what you could earn on after investing sale proceeds into something with better cash flow.
I would also take a look at linear markets that cash flow and distinguish them from cyclical markets like the big cities on the coasts, including Phoenix. I think a lot can be learned from the GFC in terms of distinguishing the two market types. While the future is an untold mystery, I personally would be looking to pull equity out of cyclical markets at this time and moving over to solid cash flow investments.
I've invested out of state, but in a place where I grew up. I'm a big believer in investing where you know. If you do not know any cash flow markets, I would begin doing some homework and finding a market that you believe in.
Finally, I would caution to not buy simply what you can afford now and hope the price goes up. To me, that is speculation. Rather, I would look for opportunities that provide the what you perceive to be the best potential return on your capital.