If they live in another county, then I pull up that county's website and do a quick screening on there. If the county doesn't have a website with court records available to the public, then I'll show then the property and do the normal screening (as I do with every tenant) after they fill out the application.
Same answer - I just google the state and county court and look them up. It's not that hard. If they don't have a website, you can call the appropriate court or the local police and usually get your answer.
The two most important screening checks I do are the criminal background and eviction checks - which are typically found on the same websites (same county databases).
I follow the same procedure for each tenant also. I screen them on the phone. If they pass that, I meet them at the property. Assuming that they look and act good enough for me to show them the unit, I then have them fill out an application and then do a thorough screening (full criminal background check, eviction check, previous landlords, employment, etc, etc, etc). As soon as I find something I don't like, I stop and write in big letters across the top of their application "REJECTED" and the reason. For example, I might write "REJECTED - CRIMINAL"; "REJECTED - EVICTION"; or "REJECTED - LIAR".
The phone screening has gotten me a couple of calls from the Fair Housing Office. In the latest incident, the local Fair Housing Officer called to inquire about a woman that I refused to rent to. It was clear on the phone that the woman was a minority. I got her name and did a quick check of court records like I always do. I found that she had been evicted more than 7 years ago, which would not automatically disqualify her since I don't take anyone that's been evicted in the past 7 years. However, I discovered that another person's name was also on the eviction record. I inquired as to who that was and it was her son. I checked her son and found that he had a LENGTHY CRIMINAL RECORD including being a drug scum. I told her that we didn't rent to druggies and that I wouldn't rent to her because of his record. She insisted that he wouldn't be living with her and I thought she was lying. I've seen that show before!!!
When the Fair Housing Officer called me, I told her the story and re-iterated that I didn't rent to druggies! I further told her that I didn't believe the woman's story about her son not living with her and that I don't allow druggies on my property!
It is NOT illegal; immoral; or improper to reject someone because they're a druggie. It is not illegal to deny someone because you think they're a liar; because they have inappropriate tattoes; because they dress like a gang-banger, etc. I have no tolerance for druggies, criminals, liars, gang-banger wannabes, or other scumbags and won't rent to them.
That's the end of the story. Everything I did was legal and proper. I knew that Fair Housing couldn't possibly pursue a fair housing claim against me because I don't discriminate for any of the prohibited reasons. In fact, if they had wanted to claim that I didn't rent to this woman because of her race, I would have taken the local Section 8 Chief with me to the hearing and she could explain how I've gone out of my way to place minority tenants for them (Section 8 contacted me for help) when the tenants were in a bad situation (but still met my screening). I would also have taken along a few of my minority tenants and they could tell the Fair Housing person that I don't have a racist bone in my body.
I got into the rental business so that I wouldn't have to sit in an office!!! The only office I have has four wheels and says "F-150" on the tailgate.