@Tanner Marsey
I totally get it but a 20 min conversation once or twice a week is hardly shoving down ones throat. I’m just taking the stance that having a conversation on a subject that can that help him for the rest of this life takes priority over a conversation about playing fortnite on his Xbox
I have very different perspective on this subject since I’ve been a Chicago public school teacher for last 22 years, a gym teacher at that (insert joke here) i like what I do, it pays the bills and provides for my family. Real estate just supplements my income and enables me set my kids up for the rest of their lives.
I’m fully engaged and around kids for 35 + hours a week so I have a pretty clear idea of what a “normal” childhood should look like. Point being, today’s 13 year old is much different than a 13 year old from 20 years and light years different from when I was 13.
These kids mentality is they emulate everything they see in tv or from what they see on their phone via social media. For every one kid that gets straights A, polite, respectful and a model student, there are 2 kids that think “pay me
b—ch!!!, check out my new Jordan’s, and I don’t have to listen to you because I don’t want to get my $150 shoes dirty by running around plus your only a gym teacher”. Step back and Think about it, where do they learn that? Those are kids being kids, sorry for the extended rant .