So 270k baseline in 2000 condo . Rented in year 20 (2021 ) @2350 mo-
I have what account calls "saved" credits on depreciation of 50-75k due to income exceeding 150k annual .
I /(accountant) depreciated my $270,000 rental $10,000 per year for 20 yrs as 1/27 th per year rule.
{Todays baseline is calculated :( 2000 value) $270,000 - total depreciation takenover 20 yrs or $200,000 = $70,000 dollars current baseline.}
My understanding is currently that on a sale now of $400,000, the capital gains due would be sale price minus baseline {or $400,000 - $70,000=$330,000 x $20% (i think)}
Using 20% for this =$66,000 tax cap gain due on sale.
I can use the saved depreciation to offset this I am told but if I figure another way I can use the saved unused (50k? approx) depreciation against any tax due on my return say when i retire and make under 150k.
The only way I found to avoid the $66k cap gains is to die and leave condo to kid, who then has no cap gain tax due, and the kids new baseline increased to $400k -a reset
Is there another way?
I am 71 , worked hard dealing with a ton of bs renters-and may want to not wait for my "windfall" and i know my wife don't so is this my only option to not give sam 66k ?