Hello Everyone. I've been browsing the web for months reading websites and info about real estate info before finding this site just the other day... and I wish I found this site months ago.. it's FILLED with so much great information. I think it's great that there's many experienced real estate investors and flippers that spend so much time answering questions and giving input.
Just a little about me (if anyone reads this), I'm from Massachusetts and have had a traveling engineering position since graduating college. The pay is excellent and in the last 4 years I've paid off 40k in school loans, purchased two vehicles that should last me a long time and saved 115k. I'll be getting married next spring so will have to give up a little of my beloved money to help with wedding costs and honeymoon.. Anyways, the work is dying out and I'll be transferring to the home office in Worcester, Ma with a significant drop in pay (no more per diem, bonuses, overtime etc)... but a salary of about 70k. What I'm looking to do is make that 115k I have in the bank work for me.. I have my ideas of how to do that though after reading through this site they appear to be somewhat conservative so I'm joining this site to ask for input from more experienced investors about what they'd do in my position. I'm currently working in South Carolina but around July of this year will be permanently moving to Worcester, Ma. I'm 26 years old, have zero debt, will at that point have about 115k-125k in the bank, have excellent credit and will be working a full time (40 hour) job. I hope to soak up as much info from this site along with other resources so I can hit the ground running in July when I make the move.
Thanks so much for reading this!