Having a separate LLC for not only each property , but other personal property items aswell protects each from liabilities of each other. This strategy is great.
LLC's are a hybrid beast and the way they are taxed varies by organization. One member can be filed on personal taxes sch C. Multi member requires Partnership 1065 aswell as sch k's for each member. Some can even be taxed as a corporation. Make sure you file LLCs "informational" tax return by the deadline. The reason i say informational is that a LLC is a pass through entity. The company is not usuallly taxed but rather poritons of profits and losses are passed to the members according to their proportionate ownership percetages. Then the members claim these by attaching the sch K-1 they recieved from the company.
Also the degree of limiting personal liabilty can also come into question depending on the manner in which the LLC operates. Is it truely a separate entity? or merely an alter ego of the person whom formed it.
I am sure this varies from state to state , but, here you can get basic forms from DLEG and file a none specific LLC that operates in any manner that a LLC may legally be formed for. No need for attorney or any other proffesional to file.
The Costs $50 for normal processing ( ie no rush formation)
Annual statement cost $25