Whose name is on the property now? You said you bought with the partner.
IF you get a DBA you can get a checking account. DBA- Doing Business AS.
IF you get an LLC started you have to make sure that the loans verbiage lets you move it to an LLC. Most do not let you do this.
As for how to get your name on the property it depend s what is on the deed and on the loan.
This should have been done at time of purchase and right now if your name is not on it you are on you own, if the partners name is solo he owns it and you own nothing.
I would also make a quick run to legal zoom and make a partnership agreement. This should have also been done before the property was purchased.
BE very careful.
According to what you have said it looks like if you invested any cash you have nothing to prove you own it.
Carts go behind the horse and right now your cart is a mile in front of the horse.
Good Luck and let us know how this works out.