@Gabrielle Barnes welcome to the community! I started my REI in St. Louis as well. Had a fall out in the 9-5 job world and had to readjust. My first property was a 4 family on the southside, It was an amazing learning experience because I was so hands on with landlording, property managing, and maintenance. I ran into some troubles with flooding, tuckpoints, rats, and roofing. All in all I gained a lot of experience and sold the property for a profit. Now looking back 3 years later, I wish that I could have thought about finding a construction loan to really fix up the place and I could have made the rents go up and the ARV would have went up another 20-30k from where I sold it. Lessons learned and I survived. I currently have 2 more rentals since then with 1/10th the problems because I learned what I was good at and what to look for before buying.
I believe the first thing that you need to do is take massive action and really just get in there. Do as much research as you can and just DO IT. The worst thing you can do is wait 2 years and never actually take action. I mean could you imagine training for a marathon run for 2 years on a treadmill and never going to run a smaller 2k or 5k run?