There is a lot of talk about your car but I think you're overlooking that as a way of generating money. It sounds like you bought this car for much less than its worth and did a few things to get it repaired. Why not sell the car for a profit, use a chunk of that to buy a cheaper car and add the rest to your savings. Your monthly insurance will be cheaper because red sports cars in the Atlanta area will have a higher cost. American made cars are also a lot less reliable and you'll probably have to put a lot more money into that in the next couple of years. Just a though.
Instead of focusing on what you can do with 6k, you should be focusing on growing that 6k. You can't make much money off of such a little investment, so grow that investment first. You need to be disciplined in your life and only spend money on WHAT YOU NEED. Do you buy beer, weed, nice shoes, expensive belts, dinner with friends? If so, stop. Dont worry about turning that 6k into 10k, just bust your *** to earn that next 4k and then set your next goal.
I didn't see what year you are in college, but are you staying in a dorm? Does your school require you to if so? If not, maybe look into a duplex or 4 plex near the college and rent rooms out to your buddies who are also living on campus.