My name is Michael Nisperos I am 31 years old and live in Imperial, CA. I am currently finishing my real estate courses and will be taking my Real estate exam within the next two months. I am interested in real estate investment and how this process works, I have worked in sales for over 12 years in the housing industry, I have worked at Fergusons, Home Depot, Lowes, and Sears. I am very knowledgable in the housing industry and this seems like the next step to take myself to the next level. I have owned a restaurant and am currently in business in a different industry.
I have never owned a house I have always invested my money into myself and in my entrepreneurial ventures. I am interested in purchasing property developing it and creating a portfolio. I have an obsessive nature when it comes to pointing my mind towards something, I am currently listening to the Bigger pockets podcast and I am on episode 20.
Sorry for the spilling my guts but I look forward to reading and searching for people who are in similar mindsets as myself.