This park is on private water and sewer and was sold to him without the previous owner disclosing an abandonment by the previous utility company. Long story short the utility company is in negotiations with the state to raise the monthly bill by 200$ on every pad and it is about to destroy his profit margin. several of the tenants I've talked to are trying to figure out how they can leave because they aren't happy their lot rent is going to almost double when it goes into effect. during my due diligence I discovered that all of the homes in this park are on electric heat and haven't negotiated with the electric company to lower their rates because of it.
I'm thinking if tenants have their water and sewer bill go up but I can get their electric bills to drop I can generate some good will with them and take the edge off of that blow or I can negotiate the purchase price with that in mind with the current owner and cultivate some profit margin he hadn't considered. I don't want all these families to be paying higher utilities than they should and I don't want to try to take advantage of the local guy just trying to get clear of a bad situation but I feel like if I disclose this to them to try and help them out I'm giving up the only negotiating leverage I have.
What would you do?