@ParShaun Taplin
We launched our first DM campaign in January 2017. We targeted 2300 houses within 30 minutes from us. Our goal was to send out the same letter to these 2300 homes once a month for 6 months. We got the letters printed in black and white at a local printing company, we found #10 envelopes online for a good price, we also bough a bulk mail stamp from our post office, which cost us approx. $400 but when mailing locally it reduces the cost of the stamp to .19c. We then stamps and labelled each envelope, folded each letter, then stuffed and sealed them all. It did take us some time but between myself, my wife, our kids and my parents we got them done. If your willing to put in the time it's definitely worth it. I receive an average of 10-15 call each month. Some people calling to have me stop sending them letters, especially after the receive the 5th and 6th letter. We usually view 3-5 properties a month in results of the letters. We have purchased 2 properties so far this year from the letters and we have referred 5 to local realtors for referrals because the houses were not best suited for us. Our projected profit on the 2 flips we have from these letters definitely pays for the 6 month trial and we have decided to continue with the DM and even expanding our area.
The best advice I received when I was planning our DM was "be persistent and consistent" "keep sending letters until the owner calls you to sell your house or tell you stop sending letters"
Good Luck!!!!