@Jennie Berger It sounds like you are in a pretty good spot with this institution then. 1.5% is on the higher side of normal (depending on account size...smaller higher fee, larger lower fee).
I would really advise against annuities if they are pushing those. Big commissions for the advisor, but rarely appropriate for the investor.
On the fiduciary front, you always want to work with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), as it makes them an automatic fiduciary, held to the highest standards in the industry, and the most prominent credential and testing that needs to be passed.
I would not say tax planning is standard, but something that should be. Most modern certified financial planners do proactive tax planning and strategies to create better overall return on income and return on life. You meet with an accountant once a year, typically before the tax deadline. There are many missed strategies during the year simply due to what your accountant can’t see, he can’t know. Getting proactive tax planning advise from your advisor is especially important for real estate investors.
It sounds like they created a comprehensive financial plan that calculates whether or not you can meet your overall financial goals and adjusts the plan accordingly so that you can. That is a good thing.
Food for thought. Hope that helps!