I am looking to buy investment property in Idaho and am a California resident. I am looking for the best/fastest state to form an LLC in. I have heard Wyoming is a good state, but then i run into an issue of conducting business in Idaho, having an llc in Wyoming and residing in CA. So my questions break down into a couple parts:
1) No matter where i form my LLC if I am a California resident conducting real estate transactions in other states, am i conducting business in CA? Would I have to register in California and pay fees/taxes? I am technically not conducting any business in the state and the law is a a bit confusing on the matter.
2) If I am conducting business in Idaho and registered in Wyoming I would have to foreign qualify in the state of Wyoming for business in Idaho, does anyone have insight or experiences on this matter?
3) Any tips for my current situation are much appreciated, I look at it as 3 options; form the LLC in Wyoming, Idaho or CA.