Hey Everyone!
A little back story:
I have inherited a single-family home that doesn't have a certificate of occupancy and is currently zoned for C2-1VL which I just found out and in the process of acquiring a cert of occupancy for a single-family home. The home was inherited with tenants living there with a residential lease in a commercial space I was told that the residential lease is currently invalid since its a commercial space until we receive the cert of occupancy.
I have given him the notice to cure the violation or quit to provide rental applications for all occupants in the dwelling, he is in violation of the lease with just that alone as his current lease shows no subletting without prior landlord approval.
Has anyone ever experienced this type of scenario so we can evict the tenant and all occupants without having to pay relocation fees as he has destroyed the place and will need to be gutted to clean, holes in laminate flooring/walls mold in showers, etc
I received a substandard because of this issue with the certificate, working to get resolved. Is it normal for LADBS (Building and Safety) to charge $14k for a certificate from a real food store to SFC? I thought with the housing shortage they would make converting commercial spaces to residential would be easier/less expensive...
How can we evict the tenant and get a certificate of occupancy cheaper as 14k is too much in my current situation.