@Michael Morelli the city and the CRA is focused on developing the lots they currently are sitting on with workforce housing, or selling off the big chunks to hotel developers. There are homes under construction now for this use south of Atlantic called Corey Isles. They also mandate any lot under 40’ wide should be developed for workforce housing. I’m really not convinced this is legal, but who wants a legal battle? Many of the lots north of Atlantic and west of Swinton were platted in the 1920’s and are 40’ wide or less, so I avoid this area. I try to look for 50’ wide or greater lots to build on and I avoid the historical areas, of which the West Settlers is one, I believe. I’ve had good luck in the Southridge, Sunset Park, Delray Manors, Rosemont Park, Town of Delray, and Del Raton subdivisions. I just finished a house in Carver Park. This is from a development point of view.
If you are buying and holding the criteria is as simple as I would try to get as East as I could, avoid wood frame structures, and I also would stay away from anything that is built with a crawl space, or within a historical district. Obviously the newer construction the better. This is just my opinion of course, and if the deal is good enough, you can weigh the pros and cons, and make your decision. The prices are ridiculous right now and there is a lot of garbage out there, especially in the 33444 zip code. Everyone wants to be in Delray or Boca so I think the demand is going no where but up, just getting tougher to get a deal
Good luck