@ Jamiel Strickland as you know I was HOA president in Los Angeles, CA for eight long years. I watched our management company grow with me. I got to know the owner well. They gained several credntials such as a real estate sales person license, Certified Apartment Manger certification, National Board of Certification for Community Association Managers among others. I got to learn the Davis Sterling Act (California specific) and some basic legalities about exterior Master Policy insurance for buildings. When I first got started I was scared, lots to learn, but I must have asked every question in the book to our management company. Most of the time they had an answer, sometimes they said, I don't have an answer but I'll get back to you. Be supportive in your role to keep the client.
The take always are as follows:
1. Its a numbers game. Fees are competitive so you'll be juggling accounts.
2. You might get spread thin across accounts so make sure you cover the essentials.
3. Get an attorney as you'll have lots of liability when advising the lamen.
4. Make friend with an insurance company as a Master Policy is mandatory in most HOA, commercial property and apartment buildings.
5. Hire a good accountant and tax professional as you will be handling lots of money.
6. You'll be constantly working with vendors to do work at a fair price, only recommend good contractors otherwise you might get angry calls from clients.
This is not legal advice. Consult an attorney, CPA, tax professional, Real Estate professional as you'll be wearning many hats and have lots of responsibility juggling work orders
Good luck. Management companies make a killing so if your good and fair priced you'll do just fine. That's my two cents.