You can eliminate your holding costs by finding a Title Company that will allow you to do a same day closing, typically this is going to be your small mom and pop companies, make sure that you are using full disclosure on the purchase and sales agreement and have a real estate attorney look over it before you use any special language. There are deals everywhere, a motivated seller is anyone that talks to you for more than 5 min about selling their property, you just have to be upfront with them, let them know you are a real estate investor looking to purchase properties in the area and you came across theirs. Find out their reasons for wanting to sell, let them know you are going to make an offer that makes sense to both you and them. Ask how much the remaining balance is on their mortgage if there is one or any other liens against the property. Once you have all this info, (ESPECIALLY THE 'WHY DO YOU WANT TO SELL' OR 'WHY ARE YOU NEEDING TO SELL') you can make them your offer. Remind them its a cash offer with no concessions and they can move on to whatever their goals, dreams, or needs are. You will get your first deal with this tactic using a listed deal on the MLS such as Possible Short Sales, Probates, Etc.... or off market properties from places such as Zillow.