I am definitely not the most experienced person when it comes to investing, but I thought I'd tell you about how I was able to get into investing while still in college:
I've known for a while that I wanted to get into real estate investing. I was very lucky to have a parent involved in real estate that was able to show me how lucrative it can be and supported my goal to be an investor. I bought and sold electronics on eBay all through high school and my first two years of college. I was able to put aside enough cash to purchase a foreclosure with an investor/realtor this year as a junior in college.
I considered trying to get a loan to buy a property, but due to the fact I was self employed, I had no work history, so my only option was to save cash. I'm glad it worked out this way because I get to invest under someone who has been doing this for a living and I also did not have to have cash to purchase the entire property.
It might be good for you to find someone who you can work under as it is quite a lot of work and a lot to decide on when purchasing a property. It would allow you to invest while also have the safety net of someone who is experienced.
I hope this helps!