Here's what I would suggest. Do a Best Case/Worst Case/Realistic Case analysis of this deal. Use 50% expenses for the worst case, and then use whatever you believe the best and real cases to be. If you can survive the worst case, are happy with the realistic case, and ecstatic with the best case, then you go forward. If you can't survive the worst case, are unhappy with the real case and not even excited with the best case, then call it quits.
I have not seen this deal nor do I even know where it's located at. In the photos it would appear to be an older, higher density property in a rural area. But there's something about this park that attracts you.
At the end of the day, everyone in the mobile home park business has to place their bets on what they truly believe to be a good deal for themselves. So if you think this is a great deal, then bet on it.
I'm just trying to keep you out of trouble because I've owned around 400 parks and I'm pretty familiar with how they turn out in the end. I know that my "worst case" assessment is actually the "realistic case" assessment through trial and error. However, I'm sure Steve Jobs parents told him more than once that he was crazy and it all turned out fine.