Hi Mel,
Contact a local eviction attorney by phone--ASAP.
Describe the physical intimidation--scaring--hopefully with some kind of record of it.
List all of the lease violations they have done.
Let the Eviction-Pro handle it.
However the cards come down--obey the law on your side 100% at all times.
Ask the Eviction-Pro for a (FEW) references of local attorenies that can work to blunt the lawsuit for you.
Get someone to work on that lawsuit ASAP.
Be aware that they may lie and may also have a free Legal Aid attorney working for them.
If they have lied in a material manner, ask your attorney to point it out to opposing council, and opposing counsel might step down--leaving them to have to out of pocket attorney fees, which changes the whole ballgame.
Consider selling this unit and in the future looking only in more upscale areas for deals--such as B areas.
Learn how to "Vet" potential renters vs. whoever can fog a mirror, because my guess is with the physical intimidation aspect this might be an on again off again convict.
There are owners in here that can handle these "Difficult" renters and make money off of them--but it's not everyone's "Cup of Tea".
Good Luck!