@Braden Smith Thanks :)
I read several forums already but was interested in knowing personal success stories from other investors. I'm noticing there are a lot of very old forums that date back over a decade. As the market changes so do investor success rates (or so I would assume). A forum dated back over a decade with success rates may not apply in the current market (if that makes sense). Though I may be very wrong with any of my assumptions.
I also read on one of the articles posted that absentee owners are that particular contributors favorite list due to the fact that many investors using direct marketing do not continue to market to absentee owners past the third touch. So though you may not like marketing to absentee owners because the list does not work for you well that may not be applicable to another investor. I suppose (from reading other discussions) that it just depends on what that investors niche is.
Since I've had some experience in the past with marketing for both a local real estate company and a local mortgage company one thing I do know is that staying in front of prospects and leads is important because if you consistently market to your prospects or leads you tend to stay top of mind.
My main question is to see what is working better for each individual investor when it comes to direct marketing to absentee owners. Postcards, YL or handwritten letter.
But I will absolutely continue to search bigger pockets for additional discussions.